However, the mood of the "Chicken Queen" was extremely volatile and soon got angry and sulking along the way, blaming me for not contributing to the trip (How Weird, since these are the places it wanted to go and he didn't ask me to lead....why complain now? Cannot ask properly one meh...probably the way chicken culture are so different)
But Anyway, I wasn't prepare for this and me being the lousy map reader don help....(So the Chicken got extremely volatile....and sulking as he try to find a way....which was actually a big loop to find the place)
We eventually reach the place in time....(The Map showing the Opening time was not accurate, it states that it closed @ 3pm on Saturday)
Cost RM10 for Entry
We were lucky to be in time for a narrated tour, conducted by the museum. Alot of people are starting to come in now...
Here, the museum create a typical home of a rich baba from century ago, allowing us visitors to catch a glimpse of their lifestyles, customs and traditions.
This building is build during the end of the 19th Century by this person "Hai Kee Chan" who once served as the residence and office of apitan Cina Chung Keng Kwee, not sure what is place is about though. (FYI, he wasn't a baba)
3 main places to explore, the main staircase up to the 2nd floor.
At the Ground floor ware the Dinning Area. Kitchen and their so call, entertainment areas.
Main Hall....
Entering to the Kitchen Area, there is this table....probably an area where the servant prepare food here and also to have dinner...Do the Rich Owner have their meals here, I doubt so....thought I saw on TV, that they usually have it in their main hall outside...
Traditional Tea cups, we don use this anymore in modern day Singapore except maybe in traditional style restaurant?
Old Kettle....and container to store food, I seen these during my kids days when I stay with my granny.
More Cups of different designs.....only the Rich can afford so many similar looking cups with just the print that are different..
The Olden Day Grinder? Having enough strength is a minimum requirement to work in the kitchen....
All the utensil to prepare Food, some of these tools are still use in the "Zhi Cha" Modern Day Singapore.
Steamboat anyone?
Beside the kitchen, which is a place for meal, they also keep their plates and utensil in the cupboard, in a separate corner.
The Ground floor is also where the richy baba have their meal as well, this is outside at the main hall area. European style though.
Detailed layout, and very westernized
Another Long table at the main-hall area....probably another meal area table....seen this also in the drama serial...or a place where the men discuss business...
These look like wedding stuffs...where they brings...goodies to the girls ask for her hand...
The main-hall is also where they entertain guest with their luxurious furnitures
Very Traditional designed seats
Displayed Cabinet...
And an Entertainment corner, in those olden days, gambling probably is the only fun thing around...during those days.
Time to head upstairs to see the bedrooms.....the view from the 2nd floor....this building is actually very luxurious... especially during those time when it was build.
The 2nd floor consisted of mainly rooms where the owner of the house and relatives stays...Notice there is always a small table in the rooms, like the one above. This is probably area where people can seat down in the room rather than on the bed to chat....
Another one in another room, the decor here is different.
Yet another one...All different in design...and at a different room....
In the olden days, bedroom wardrobe are unlike modern wardrobe that is long and have lot of spaces in it. Traditional Nouya wardrobe are usually simple and just for hanging of clothes.....
These bed look like a typical wedding bed....even the clothes are on the bed.
Make-up Corner...make-up in olden days are less sophisticated...but probably more env-friendly...
There is also another room which appear to resemble a room of the newly weds....Take a look at the bed...decorations...
It was say in Chinese tradition, the way they put the pillow down to the colours and who should go on bed first matters...
In This Room, the Wardrobe are huge, storing all types of different clothes and cloths...
I think this corner, you can actually ask for your photos to be taken in traditional nouya clothing.....but no one was here...They do have a huge collection.
They even put on Display , the male Head Accessories used during the Wedding
And the Female Head Accessories as well
As well as other Accessories such as gifts and the musical instruments used during the wedding
The Main Hall on the 2nd floor is very similar to the ones on the ground floor, they have long tables, tables place in the middle of it..
And seats for guests...(here, probably meant for tourist to take photos)
A olden days Camera placed just outside the hall, this fellow only took B&W
The Hall have this very special Arc make from longans.....designed....I forgotten what they represent though...need to refer to that "Chicken Queen" travel blog to find out more...will update it's link here once it updated his version.
This is one tool, the nouyo use to make those "seed" fruit they seen in the drama serial.
Handicraft corners......they make their own shoes as well
A View of the top.....
The show that came over here to be shot....Our Mediacorp Drama was one of them...and they are feature here alot...(Hard not too, that show make people in Singapore took notice of Nouyo Culture)
A Few photos of the Perankan Place
A Funny shot I am Attempting
Before leaving the place....
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