Well...this is the date...28-Jan-06, a Saturday, I finally find time to do a Blog. It sound kind of

interesting to me few months back when i started looking at other people blog entry and i ask myself....why not start one myself...and here i am....my very first blog entry
Within the next couple of hours will be exciting.....having a reunion dinner this evening, well this is the eve of the Chinese New Year. That what we singaporean usually do on this day, kind of like a chinese tradition.
Was actually trying to use this blog as a platform to show of my photography skills...heehee..not professional quality of course...just some shots taken with my Canon digital Camera about my "adventure" over the past as well as now...but kinda stuck, don know how to put it in to be relevant to what i am writing....think that will take a while.

Today just started out as usually, notice not much people are actually "working", think is because of the CNY mood, the boss came over to wish everyone Happy New year and give out Madarine Oranges, but this year we have a lucky draw as well, but too bad, luck not on my side, most of my collegues got some real Ang Bao money, i only manage to get a greeting card that says " Gong Xi Fa Cai", sign....:-(
Still ok, got to enjoy a good tea break in the evening with my fellow collegues.

As usually, my family and myself went over to Tampines Mall to do last minute shopping...I didnt get anything...but my sis and brother-in-law got what they wanted...clothes and shoes... one thing caught my attention when shopping at the mall, the huge amount of people doing their last minute shopping...

Trying to get some things here sure is difficult. Even the shops are fill with people inside. Well....will make full use of this coming holiday to get myself fit again....have not been exercising for the past months...and getting more flabby at the tummy area. hopefully will be motivated to go for a jog. Also to find time to catch a show....there is this show by Jet Li, call Fearless, seem interesting, say to be Jet Li's last movie. That will make it a must see this Lunar new year then, there is also lot of other movies on show...Jim Carrey...Fun with dick and Jane, and of course our own local production, Jack Neo, I not stupid 2, but seem like not much pubicity on this show....does not seem very interesting.
That all for today, got to go sleep now.
post a blog about yourself leh !!
but photo is very nice lah... write about mr lam also =)
not bad, Roy. this is definitely a good start.
wah~ that piece of paper in the angpow sure is a "quality" stuff.
should have at least used a 100gm paper...
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