Back then (When I was a that was like over 25+ years ago)..mum and dad would bring me and my sister to the playground where we would carry latern and "playing with fireworks"

Thought of doing something different this year...after working in the afternoon....headed down to Chinese Garden where they held the Latern Festival light show display every year. Never been on one of going to see what install....there...

They have exhibits on Chinese Cultures....I think....

Quite surprise the photos turn-out quite bright...though....lots of people are posing in front of these ....quite a few foreigner as well

Not Forgeting to get a snap shot behind these light-works

A pose with one of the Famous Chinese History Character....not sure who....think is "kong Zi"

The Theme this year for the festival is Hello Kitty....Targeted at the Kids and Family

Me with those Kitty...

We have his small boy on a skate...who is he???

Hello Kitty on a skate...

Another Cute creature....

And Hello Kitty and Friends

We are just in time for the fireworks...along the "lake"...where there is lot of floating kitty as well.

Japanese Cartoon Characters....

Hello Kitty on a boat...

The Platform is so filled with people lining up to take photos....and most of them couples....(felt so left out)

After waited for all the couple to finish their shots....I catch mine...

It a pretty expensive place to be...since the entry to the park cost me $15 bucks...But overall..still an experience...but doubt I would want to come again....but if I do....hopefully is with my love.....(which I am stilll.....looking)
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