Lot of New year goodies + Aunt "asam" beehoon does make me wonder if I can keep my tummy from showing.....(FYI, it getting bigger....)
But Still visiting is part of 农历新年, so proceed to grandmum place.....though was really early ...reach there like say 2pm?.....

Just so that baby Xuan can get an early "Ang Bao" from "mama"

Time for a quick change of diapers..before proceeding to the next stop....for them only
I spend the next 3hrs...surfing the net.....boring boring...almost fell asleep

Dinner preparation all done by granny.....she is really a good cook.....though the dishes are similar to last year ones.....they taste fantastic....I like the soup and Chicken wing especially

They always complaint that I am super Lazy....expecially when it comes to peeling prawns....
Find a girlfriend to peel for me...ha...I was thinking.....which girlfriend would peel for their boyfriend.....(wait long long....in Singapore...it usually the other way round:-))

Sweet and sour fish....well...done...and not too "Fishy" as well

My Favorite...tasty and delicious...

Sis finally arrive for dinner...though was late.....so baby xuan get to be carry by alot of people wo

New year goodies...bit different from my uncle place...here they have ..."fried Squid"
but on the whole...everyone is cutting back...lesser goodies also

Mountain of Oranges....is always a good sign....I think I left mine here as well...
All the visiting....kinda end tonight....will be resting at home tomorrow....prepare to get back to work....haha...sad right...
It's the recession and every company is having SHUTDOWN and I still have to work.....
Look at it this way..." The Company is still doing well" :-0