Kinda promise a Chicken Friend to support it in it first ever 42Km Run, and since he asked me that day, and with a promise of breakfast...I was thinking to myself, why not go and take photos as well...Set-off around 1015pm on a cab...The Run start at 2359.
Was this early so that Chicken for do it's bag deposit and also his businesses before running...The Queue was located at the far-end (Kinda like opposite the official ground where they are showing some movies). Since we are quite early, (11+) the queue was relative short
It was kinda like a big sports event, they even have this big screen setup for supporter of their friends to "Tog" through the night awaiting for their arrival. The Movie they are showing is Ironman, Transformer and Incredible Hunk... Since I have seen all the movies..and worry that by seating down here in the warm weather, I will fall asleep, I proceed to Pasir ris to catch a late night show...Monster Vs (read my review on this show though)
Lots of people are snapping photos just before the race...I saw this famous blogger "Fatbird". However, that chicken friend whom I am suppose to take photos MIA, near the toilet area....u can guess what he is doing...
The flag-off was on time and lot of the runners are already packed-up at the starting line...FYI, the 42km and 84Km Starting line is different, and there are quite a few confused soul around...
The 84Km starting and finishing line is located at the opposite end...(42km is infront, 84Km is at the back nearer to the beach)
To Keep spirit high,they even get the volunteers into spin-up some druming rythums....noisy
11.59pm, the runners slowly make their way cross the starting point while registering their BIB chip timing,....It's quite a huge turnout, but though not as much compare to Standard Chartered...
It took quite a while for the line to cross the starting points...I guess some of them are probably late....(I wonder why they can be late for a midnight event)
The MCs are encouraging the they start their engines....
While I proceed to my midnight show @ Downtown East, I went over to catch what going on at the site where they are showing the movies....What a huge crowd @ midnight..I wonder how many are still left some 6hrs later....(i.e, how many are still awake??)
After finishing the show @ downtown east, as the night is still younger, I decided to walk all the way to Changi Beach....just to keep myself awake...and to past time. Walk from downtown east all the way to upper Changi...(It not too far though)...and I am already seeing runners running past Downtown East, Time : these runner are fast. Photos above taken some 1hr later...
@ 36Km , Time Checked, ~4.30am. These fellow are super fit....they are on their way to finishing the marathon in about 5hrs...and one trend I notice is that they are really young, kinda like in the Army....age...
SIA Engineering Company, having walked about 2hrs now....from 2.45 - 5am, 30mins to destination...
Reach the finishing line at about 5.30am, I expected Chicken to come in around 6hrs 30min - 45mins...cos that about the same timing I did for my waiting, These are some of the finisher photos I took..
Slow and the race...!!
This super-tired guy too weak to even lift his head...(U got to run it to know how difficult it can be to finish a marathon)
Was surprise many people actually choose to run together, can be tough as everyone have different speed, furthermore it such a long distance...kudos to them for their training together...
The Ladies are not the weaker sex here, they came in faster than some of the very fit guys...They definitely beat me hand-down with this timing....
I suspect most spend quite a bit of time walking to the finishing line only to give their final burst toward the end...a time of > 6hrs indicate
6.43 is the time with the most participate arriving at their destination...
It, finally make it to the 42km Marathon....proud as he is....right now....
It's look like a really exciting run, I just hope I got to experience it. The Medal and Shirt they given out are fantastics....I be there in 2010...anyone joining me? at least to help me take photos
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