It look like Sep is not a very good month to travel to Vietnam. I check out the forecast, It seem to be raining almost everyday. As of Today, it is raining. The Day we are arriving is Thursday, 17th, and the forecast is already Scattered - T-Storm. Let hope that the storm are scatter enough such that it will not affect our trip...Let's pray...
With so many "Red" Cloud around the region of Hong Kong and Hanoi, no wonder there is rain...let hope this cloud clear off soon.

Friday, our 1st full day in Hanoi look to be affected by Rain. There is some hope at least on Weekends as forecast is sunny. Look like we have to rearrange our plans a bit...Maybe weekend @ Halong Bay, Mon/Tues @ Sapa. Wed/Thur @ Hanoi City.
Temperature seems like it will be something like Singapore, Hot and Wet....
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