Was never a Fan of the series, but during my "MC" days I did manage to catch some repeat telecast of the show.

I was watching the Top 3 Performance, aka 3 guys namely Adam Lambert, Kris Allen and Danny Gokey. I am impress by their performance. I serious think all of them are going to sell out their album.

Adam Lambert was the one they label as the "rocker" . I can see why, cos he really can sing those high notes and is definitely vocal superior to the other 2. I must say he is very versatile and basically can sing anything well thrown at him. But though I think he more suitable for Rocky music though. Rumors have it that he is "gay" as photo taken of him kissing men...but the girls are crazy for him...(Well what can u expect, he got the looks and the voice)

Danny Gokey look tad older than the 2 competiting, sounded more hoase as well, but I feel he more into the rock as well though shy of Adam's Performance and the judges are also finding more fault with him like the scream...... - He was Eliminated though

This is one unique contentant, First up, He got the look but not the build, he does look short compare to Adam. He plays the Guitar, Piano and is more of the Jason Marx kinda song, I must say his vocal cannot be compare to Adam, His is softer and weaker, but I feel he more suitable for Jason Marx kinda song, especially when accompany by the guitar. Label as the Dark Horse this season, He might spring a surprise. (Serious I do hope so)

Comments from the finals performance which I saw just now seems to point to a political correct anwser when ask to judge the performance, But we can see their fav is still Adam.

This year, they have an "indian" if i not wrong on the show, kinda remind me of slumdog millionaire effect, but he was eliminated in the top 5 show though (If I not wrong)

Last year, front runner use to be David A, with his youth and innocent looks, he got the vocals and the looks, but he loss out to the Dark Horse, a rocker, David Cook. Ironically, his album sell better than Cook's one though. (Seriously, I think his music is more mainstream)
The American idol standard is definitely better than our local idol contestant. They really know how to arrange their music such that they sound original and where can we find contestant taking chance by playing instruments on local TV. They did that in American Idol.
I think Adam Lambert will win, cos of his vocals. Though I personally prefer Kris Allen to win, mainly for his Talent of musical instrument, rather creative music arrangement, and a humble, low profile outlook, somethings which I related to. Let the Votes beginning and the cash bells....RINGS (Though I can't vote )
Was surprise.....serious. Miracles do happen, this must be the thought, kris must have felt. You should watch how he reacted to the win. Totally Humble, his Trademark.
Well, it a long road ahead for him. Will definitely goes to buy his album when it released. On the Finale, he sang 2 songs, one with Kiss a Girl, this song really show his advantage here....these are the song that suit him alot.....and also No Boundaries, where he did something though less powerful, but unique...
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