I went into the theater not expecting much but the usual "popcorn" movie fare.....I am really surprise they re-invented the movie so well, the 126min feel short but I never felt a moment of boredom. This should be the Best Movie of the Year so far. Let's see if Terminator Salvation, Transformer 2 and Harry Potter can top this one..

Star Trek use to sound to me as some "old Man" group in a spaceship traveling about exploring worlds. It's an inferior Star-wars. More of a Drama then a Sci-fi film. This all is set to change with Star Trek 2009. They replace the entire crew member and they really fit into the character really well..though I never follow any of the series anyway, and don really know any of the character except Captain Kirk, and Spock(the guy who make the "V" sign using his hands)

Story goes into telling how it all beginning. The main focus is Captain Kirk and Spock. How this 2 character grew-up and how they goes from enemy to best Friends. Both take up a relative long screen time, but it is them who make the movies interesting to watch....their Adventure....

As with most Sci-fi films, this one did it with much details that one would be satisfied by the amount of CG effect on screen every moment of the time. An Enormous Star Fleet. Not sure if this is an effect, there is alot of len flare in the movies.....(quite distracting at times though)

I didn't know the phase " Beam me up Scotty" come from the film. It got something to do with the character who control a teleport machine, and he is actually very good at it....teleport can even happen when u are in "Wrap" speed, aka travelling @ speed of light.

Did u all know that this Alien, is acted by Eric Bana, the guy who acted as the incredible Hunk....I totally couldn't regonise him. This is the only Alien on the show and he is vert much superior to the human, The look at the size of their space ship and u would know....the Human don stand a chance...

Zoe Saldana as Uhura, she is the love interest to Spock, Was surprise, I thought she was suppose to end up with Kirk, but instead, she fall for spock, who maybe is more secured? Kirk is like a "playboy"...lol....But she is one hot lady though...
Karl Urban as Dr. Leonard, he entered the screen with a very negative message of space..but end up as Captain's Kirk best buddy in academy. Always there helping kirk from his problems (aka troubles)

This guy use to act in some slapstick comedy, finally got a chance for a breakthrough, he is John Cho as Sulu. Kinda like our only "Asian" Representative in the Enterprise...lol. He was actually quite good here...
This is the "Beam me up Scotty" guy, Simon Pegg, he appear about 3/4 into the movies during the time when Captain Kirk was on this "ulu" planet. This guy help beam Kirk back to the Enterprise while in Wrap Speed...cool men....

There is alot of Action Sequence to watch in the movies, I didn't know Captain Kirk will parachute down at high speed to disable the "drill bit" I always use to think he always seat at his command post giving out commands...lol

There is alot of Action Sequence to watch in the movies, I didn't know Captain Kirk will parachute down at high speed to disable the "drill bit" I always use to think he always seat at his command post giving out commands...lol

There u have it, the New crew of the Enterprise. I expect them to make many more sequel of this....young Star-trek Adventure....It's really exciting....hopefully the Director JJ Abram is in it as well
I probably rate this a 4.5/5 and is definitely a must see this summer season
As of today, The Film will become 2009 top movies in terms of boxoffice receipt, $191Million and counting, outdoing Wolverine($165Million) and even Museum 2($69Million and Terminator($67Million) until Transformer 2 come along at the end of June
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