Having gone through this process, come to know that people do it for different reasons, for me, it was for a better prospects and learning opportunities, I never regret moving, even though life is very much tougher out there. See more learn more, know more people also

Back to the topic of why choose to switch job, some leave because of the "nasty" people, some leave cos of the $ and some just left cos others are doing so. But still a word of advise, there are really a lot to consider when switching job, most important there must be a strong reason...reason like leave because of 1 nasty people is just not worth it, worst still, leave because others are doing so. Sometime have to consider opportunities and most important, will you be happier in your next job. It is not always about money, but i must say, that is one of the motivating factor as well

As I speak now, I am still seeing people leaving, both in my 2nd and current company, But looking at the US Economy, advise is to leave early 2008 if there is a nee d to, a Full recession in the US + oil prices definitely will impact singapore's economy no matter what the "authorities" kept saying we are safe. US is really a huge economy to ignore completely.
To End, I gald i have make the move, though I still not sure whether it is a better job, but for sure, my surrounding and environment are great, meet lot of friendly and interesting people and upcoming, my boss is giving me lot of new challenges ahead...:-)
Even though I just changed jobs myself, I don't think that this is a particularly opportune time to do so. I would wait until the economic dust settles in the United States.
glad u found a good job !
chiong ah!
gald all 6 of us..are doing well....learn more...see more...make more friend....that's the way ...
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