2007 had ended some 25 days ago. Think is kinda late to talk about movies in 2007, I should be looking forward to what 2008 have to offer. Well I just lazy, that why I delay till now then i starting thinking about this. So here you have it. My 2007 top 10

This show is great, did not really follow the cartoon when I was young. But just by looking at the CG, make me want to see Part 2. When will that be? think should be in 2009 I hope :-) Which side are you on?

I know it not as good as the original, but I put it in 2nd place because this is the other show that keep me wanting to see what happen next. Keep me at the edge of my seat all the time. The history brought out in the story is very interesting, but doubt any of it is true. Look forward to Part 3, what are they going to call it next?

This is the 5th in the 7 books. I must say this movie is very "dark", Harry is always angry all the time. Really like how the story develop. It is because of this movie that got me to buy the next 2 book, half blood prince and deathy hallow to read. Still reading it though.

Though I like Sherk alot, but Part 3 was bit short and disappointing. This new one from Pixar really catch my attention. It really a very smart movie. The concept by folks at pixar are really superb. Looking forward to their next film, "Wallie", pronounce as "Wah Li"...sound familiar?

Funny but not really for the kids, more suitable for adults. They really have lot of interesting humour here. But the whole show is trying to pass the message of "please protect our Earth" la...else you will be exterminated. OK?

Seriously, this show really scary, there is only 1 actor most of the time, the rest of the show involves all the "Virus" infected human being trying to get this person. Ending really sucks, but overall still entertained by it though

Last of the Trilogy of Bourne movies, Matt Damon really can be the next action fighting stars, the way he execute his moves and fights here is amazing.

Another show full of actions, stuff like shooting down fighter jets can be seen here. Entertaining but forgettable though. But it still better than alot of other show in 2007

Well The only Asia show that make it to my top 10. Beautful actress and a hot soundtrack are the main draw.

Oscar calibur show finally have a place in my top 10. Usually I don really know how to appreciate such show, they are usually slow and boring, but these 2 show turn out very good and entertaining. Though I Prefer Amercian Gangster more, Zodiac is a bit on the slow side.
So what are those show I am looking forward to this 2008. This topic seems like good blogging material. Will share my 2008 movies I intend to see really soon.
So what are those show I am looking forward to this 2008. This topic seems like good blogging material. Will share my 2008 movies I intend to see really soon.
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