Have been thinking of joining a gym but just don know which one to join, we got so many choices. Fitness First, California Fitness, Planet Fitness, Safra Club and our very economical SSC's Clubfitt.
In the end, I settle for Fitness First, mainly due to travel distance and facilities. Not that the rest have no similar or got lousy facilities. Just the Fitness first met my most important criteria, which is distance.
SSC's clubfitt cannot be considered at all, though it is really cheap, last i check is about $2.50, but there are just too few machines, and the trainer there are not very helpfully. Not the least, too many people using the machine, going there is like waiting for the machine all the time unless you go during 1hr before they closed or super early, which really not very motivating, plus no decent bathing facilities, lockers, but what can you expect with $2.50.
At Fitness first, It is so much better, more motivated, the staff and trainer are really helpfully and provide advise, plus premium facilities, towel and locker provided. Though the membership is bit on the high side, but is really worth it with the facilities you are getting , plus all the classes are all free.
Been trying really hard to cut down on my Fat %, last i measure, I hit 19.9%, which is really very very far from my target of 16%, think the tummy fat is too much, and really difficult to get that off. I only manage to hit a good 18.1% in Nov'07, but after my korean trip, it pop back up to 19.9%, think i must have eaten too much during the trip + no exercise for 1 week. Hiaz....

But now been really working hard, weight is down from 71kg to now 69.3kg. Hope to achieve 68kg soon, hopefully before Feb'07, CNY. That is the weight I was at when I measured at 18.1% Fat Level.
Hopefully i have put on more muscle weight in the process rather than just fat haha. Well think keeping fit and staying healthy must be everyone resolution of the new year. It is so important to be fit and healthy. With this we can do alot of things be it at work or play or travel, aiya, basically everything lo.
Work Hard, Stay Fit, 16% Fat, here I come, hopefully can achieve 65Kg target also. :-)
Join California Fitness lah...
Cheaper...and you can YAH YAH with me...hhahahahaha
don want...your "YAH YAH" very loud and scary
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