Back in my "younger" days, my sis and I use to go alot more houses to visit and get more red seems like a challenge to always better our yearly collections amount for red packets. Haha, didn't understand those times, my mum and dad are the most "sad" because they hand-out even more red packets than we received.
We use to start at my grand-mum place, at commonwealth, visit my great grand-mum, then go to my grand-mum's sister place (all my dad's side relatives) before ending at mum's mummy(aka "ma2 ma3") places in AMK
When we grow older, the "trend" changes, I grow less interested in these visiting and we stop going to so many places...this year we visited 2, My grand-mum and "ma2 ma3" place.
When we grow older, the "trend" changes, I grow less interested in these visiting and we stop going to so many places...this year we visited 2, My grand-mum and "ma2 ma3" place.
A lot have changes over the course of time, now my grand-mum hardly remember stuff, luckily she still remember me, she will be coming over to our place to live with us...

Me, my sis and granny...promise the spend more time with her, when she come over...been visiting her lesser since i came back from UK. guilty...

The CNY goodies at granny place

There is this "new" puppy my aunt got.....really cute..
We left to visit my "ma2 ma3" at about 5pm. Ma2 Ma3 is preparing a very delicious dinner for us. My uncle and aunt will be there as well.

Check out the table-setup...Chicken, fish, herbal soup, mushroom, vegetables...

We have 2 fish...le

Mushroom, prawns and vegetables...great food

Fried Chicken...blur photo though...

We have a round of "lou hei", think we probably have another round next week, when my uncles and "2nd uncle" return from their trip.

All ingredients pour in ready to .."lou"

It "Lou" ah..."Huat" ah....for a HUAT HUAT year ahead...promotion...more $$...studies...
(look like i am the only one looking at the camera...hiaz.)
(look like i am the only one looking at the camera...hiaz.)
Food looks good!
I'm hungry...feed me
what u want to friend..
I want to eat CRABS!
Mellben Crabs is good...when you want to treat?
tell me a time and u lo...ask Mr Sim and Mr Wong...also...
btw...who is this anonymous...?
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