It must have been one of the most tiring weekend so far this year. Last night I got Church Wedding and Banquet. Today I am a brother to my Best Army Pal - Vun. The day start super early. Took a Cab over to his place - Livia (Will be neighbours with him in 2 year times...provided he still lives there)

Need to reach his place around 6.30am. U can imagine how early I need to wake up. 5am Wake up and dress up, by 6am leave house for Livia.
Was treated to a nicely prepared breakfast at Vun's Place. Pleasantly surprise that Vun's parent know me even without seeing me in person. Felt rather comforted....I realize that Vun is a rather reserved person, Totally different from how he really talk. Never expected him to be so introvert.

The newly decorated wedding room for the future bride. The room though is really small, but what matters is the ones living in it stay happy and blessed.

3 Brothers...ready for Battle. Let hope the sister treat us well

The wait is finally over, after 37th years, their Son make it!!! They got a handsome son...and very soon a beautiful Bride.
Most of the time, I really felt White suit is very hard to carry. I will definitely not choose a white suit. But Vun can carry it well.
I have one of the most enjoyable gate crash ever. The Task were nothing intimidating. Easy stuff. Over in a while. Into the Gates....
The Last Hurdle - Describing his Love for Huiling in Total Chines words. I didn't his Chinese power is so strong. Can even remember to write out. I totally return all to my O Level school already.

After Fetching the bride, we proceed back to Livia for the Tea Ceremony at Vun's Place.
Took time to take some photos along the water Feature of the new condo.
As some of the relatives have yet to arrive. We waited for a while before the Tea Ceremony begins, enjoying the scenary the new condo offered.
Vun Stay at the extreme end of the condo, toward the landed property. While my future home would towards The MRT Station instead.
As there are just too much people in the house for the Tea Ceremony. Decided to go prepare and "guard" the Buffet. Didn't manage to try out the buffet, was too busy helping out to prepare for the Tea Ceremony at the Bride's Place.
Catering Culture- Wonder is this good??
We setoff to the Bride's place for the Tea Ceremony @ Yishun. Stop by the Lower Seletar Reservoir park for photo shots. My Sunglasses get into the Act for Vun for this

The wife rescue the hubby

The In love look!!!

Now, I finally get to eat. Lunch to be exact @ the bride's Place. Though I can't say this is the best Catering I had. It was satisfying enough. Super Hungry le
Went back home to prepare for the night banquet @ The Regent. As I don't have any night-duties except in-charge of gathering the tables for photography. I reached the hotel early. In Fact, I was the earliest brother to arrive.
Went over to Vun's Hotel Room. Make a silly mistake or not seeing who the "wife" is...How silly I (Wonder did I "Anger" the wife)

The Wedding Banquet was even smaller than the one I attended yesterday. Only about 20 Tables. Simple Wedding ball room with tables on both sides.

Here are some photos I took of their Wedding Shoot. Nothing fancy. But it did bring out a different side of my Friend, Vun.

What a loving couple as his friend know them. They started off as colleagues and become lovers...that is why most of their friends are their colleagues and both of them know each other's friend rather well.

The Lovely decor @ The Receptions, manned by the ladies...
The Staple of dishes to enjoy the night of hardwork!!!

The march-in..beautifully executed...haha , though it is wonderfully made. I hope I wouldn't have to go through such a "procedure". Don like such moments to be so "Formal".
Meet up with A old friend of mine....Oh YK, our Army days Sergeant, Someone who took good care of us and become more than just a senior to us. We still stay in contact after like 17 years

A wonderful night and I sincerely wished them many beautiful memories ahead and Let's the babies come...soon....