2011, the year of the rabbit(my year so to speak) have many new beginnings. Though something remain very much the same. Some newly added things happens.
Mum got cancer toward the end of 2010 was really scary. For some moments, everything landed on both my sister and me, the responsibilities cause some friction between me and my sister, having to deal with the family daily affair. It really give me a feeling of responsibility, how it is going to be like when I have a family of my own.
But thank God, mum managed her chemo (though the first 2 month was horrible) and was fully recovered of any cancer cell after the 6mths of treatment. The even better news of this is that in the process of falling sick, My Family came to know the Lord. Though we still didn't attend the same Church as I am(Parent decided to go Catholic). I was really happy God answered my Prayers
In the mids of all these. I found myself a girlfriend. It was like a life-long prayer request being answered but it did come at a time I didn't expected it. It some-more appear as in I kinda anyhow find to fulfill my mum wishes like that since this happen during the time when mummy is sick.
Having a relationship wasn't as fruity and romantic as I thought it is like in drama serial or the movie. In fact it is totally the opposite.
Words like exploring and courtship sounded so technical to me.. Like studying for an exam. Came to deal with stuff like a timeline to pop the question to be " steady". Totally opposite of what I thought a relationship supposed to be like.

We were finally steady on the 25th of feb. there comes the ups and down in a relationship . Though we did have our mini honeymoon period. It was a rather short one, the next 10months are months we start dealing with our differences. This is one of the most confusing period in the relationship. Not only was it becoming too procedure. There seem to be a lot of expectation and lack of understanding. Teething problem which I didn't know how to even approached it and my temper which was seldom tested was put to the worst performance. Come to think of it, this seem to be the time I was so angry and frustrated beside issue at work and when people do funny stuff to me. My friends once told me " I have never seen u so angry before"
The relationship does have its good area, I got to experience doing things together, something I love it so much. Spending quality time together. Taking photos together.. Trying out new places. The high point was probably meeting my parents and traveling with them. I have never tried out so many different things with somebody in my entire life. The stuff we did in 2011 easily beat out every other year I have.

In the mids of all these. I found myself a girlfriend. It was like a life-long prayer request being answered but it did come at a time I didn't expected it. It some-more appear as in I kinda anyhow find to fulfill my mum wishes like that since this happen during the time when mummy is sick.
Having a relationship wasn't as fruity and romantic as I thought it is like in drama serial or the movie. In fact it is totally the opposite.
Words like exploring and courtship sounded so technical to me.. Like studying for an exam. Came to deal with stuff like a timeline to pop the question to be " steady". Totally opposite of what I thought a relationship supposed to be like.
We were finally steady on the 25th of feb. there comes the ups and down in a relationship . Though we did have our mini honeymoon period. It was a rather short one, the next 10months are months we start dealing with our differences. This is one of the most confusing period in the relationship. Not only was it becoming too procedure. There seem to be a lot of expectation and lack of understanding. Teething problem which I didn't know how to even approached it and my temper which was seldom tested was put to the worst performance. Come to think of it, this seem to be the time I was so angry and frustrated beside issue at work and when people do funny stuff to me. My friends once told me " I have never seen u so angry before"
2011 can also be seen as a year I came back stronger spiritually. In fact, I have never felt going to cell a hassle unlike last time. I m punctual at church, enjoying cell, I see that I am starting to hear God more often, felt a strong sense of belonging. Even find doing cell activities fun. Dear make a big difference in cell and church in my life. (Wonder she know or not...lol)
My passion for running never diminished a single bit. I doubt it ever will, make a few personal best in my 21km and 42km timing.. But still find it tough with the 10km and the IPPT- 2.4km. This year I found another new passion.. Though not yet develop into a real passion is kayaking. Hope to one day be an expert at it...and not to forget, Dragon Boating...but joining a team seem intimidating
Going to the Gym took a new meaning in 2011, more Fitness Outlets and newer machines make the experience fun and motivating Don think I will ever give it up as well, even after living in a condo. Fitness first have too many classes and machines, weights.

The only area that didn't change has to be my work prospect. It is in fact very bad. I become lazy, grumbling and bitter at work without even realizing it. Lazy because of the lack of motivation, things all of a sudden become routine and boring. Constantly changing job scope and missing datelines just make my performance very bad. Seeing people getting promotion and me getting tiny increment added to the morale. Started grumbling about the boss comment and why he didn't developed me. Start feeling treated unfairly..My logical mind tell me I should Leave. All my colleagues wonder Why I am still here. My Friends advise me to do something.
Still there are some who advise me to talk to my boss. Dear's Revelation from God seem to point to me staying. I shall Continue to pray in this area.
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