Went to see the show last weekend (sun evening)...with Mr V....full house...wow...lot to expect from 赤壁2 as part 1 ended with a climate...but feel abit half-hearted during the show...as find that there are too much "Cheesy" lines....
But the Final battle on "Water" was fantastic.....but not original...reminds me of "Saving Private Ryan" difference only that this show is in mandarin...
I am not familiar with the actual history...but I was told the story was mostly "make up"....disappointing to true fans....
Overall...I rated this show about...2.5/5...see it for entertainment only..haha

the 2nd movie this year I have seen so far..the first being Transporter 3.
Must say...I expected Transporter 3 to be normal....nothing new to the storyline....but I must say I kept asking myself this question...how did Jason Statham....manage to keep such a fit body....8 packs...to be exact..
The show did a reasonable $31Million in the US....but worst than it Predessor's $42Million. What do u expect from show that have similar storyline both in part 1 & 2 with only changes to the ladies..:-)
Looking forward to what CNY's have to offer in Movies sense...look like only Jack Neo show is worthy....
red cliff not up to ur standards ?
i quite like it.. : )
u like Mr Tony right....
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