I know this come very very late...but still posting it anyway...
Receive a unexpected call on Tuesday, 22-Jan. Guess..who, it's Pek Si Min...the aka "Siao Zha Po", meaning Mad women. Objective of the call, An Invitation to her Wedding....surprise....kinda forgotten she mentioned it during DC's Wedding...
Although it was late cos she did not have my H/P no. I really gald to be part of the celebration. No wonder I thought how come Douglas is coming to town.
The date....26-Jan-2008, Sat...
The date....26-Jan-2008, Sat...

The joke going around from Mr E, "Genuinely happy" our talks/Video will show.....
Food was really nice and the company(those seating with us in the same table) as well, it a good get-together...
Food was really nice and the company(those seating with us in the same table) as well, it a good get-together...

Here we are discussing our next pranck, It is also the first time i was "kinda involved" in the after dinner..."funz" event....really enjoy myself. I hope the bride and the groom enjoy it as well..

Another round of Pranck? from the mischievous minds...of Mr 72
We did so much "pranck" which some of them...cannot be describe here, but it was so funny....I am almost in tears...from laughing...
We did so much "pranck" which some of them...cannot be describe here, but it was so funny....I am almost in tears...from laughing...

The photo will describe everyone feeling that night. (Mr 72 is missing)

Job well...done...? A really natural shot from all of us....(as mention by Mr 72)

The bride......."getting ready" ....notice the bottle of liquor in the photo, I got really "red" after downing 2 shots. Don remember what's the brand i drank....but it lasted till 3am...
We had prata before heading home at around 3am...Luckily I did not throw out the prata...
I might not be 72 now....
have you turn 74 or 69
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